Saturday, August 30, 2008


One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to comfort a child that hurts.... especially an adult child. We, Marc and I, are suppose to protect and provide. The older our children get...the more I realize that they have to experience life...the good times as well as the hard ones.

This past month we have witness a child having health problems, another that's discouraged and over-worked, and yet another that feels like she has given up hope on a guy friend that she really likes. Their problems are ones that we (as parents) can't fix. I have agonized and wondered what I could do. Each time, I feel that all I can do is give comfort, many hugs, tell them I love them, and pray.

Pres. Hinckley once said, “Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.” How is that possible when problems seem to be so burdensome? Andrea and a roommate of hers decided to take a class on studying the scriptures. She mentioned how much peace this has given to her. It didn’t take away her disappointment and anger, but it has started the healing process.

The Bishop recently told me about a talk that was given at BYU Education Week (2oo1-2002) by Elder David A. Bednar. It’s entitled “In the Strength of the Lord,” and talks about the Atonement. It also talks about prayer and how we should ask to give us the strength to endure the trials and adversity. It has brought much peace into my life as well as Marc’s. I recommend it to anyone who may be struggling.

I hope that my children will always know that we Love and care about them. I hope our Testimonies will be strengthened during our time of need and that we can focus more on Christ. I hope this Blog doesn’t sound too down. It is just my feelings and well…as it has been said many times (at least from my parents)…sometimes life is hard, but worth it in the end.

Monday, August 25, 2008


When ever I get a phone call from my ward, I always get a sick feeling inside me. A week ago the telephone rang and I saw the "dreaded" number. At first I didn't want to answer it, but I did (hoping it was for Marc). I was dead wrong! It was for me. The call was asking if I would meet with the Bishop after church. Oh great!

Church was so long (not really, but felt like it) and after 10 years of serving in the music, the Bishop decided to extend a teaching calling (in the Primary). I was very surprised. Part of me wondered why I had been so worried. I appreciate this opportunity to be able to teach again. I always dread change, but this is good and something I really needed.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


This is Ryan's Band called Beckond. They work really hard together to do original songs. I'm excited and hope they can earn enough money to make a CD soon. These pictures and video were taken at So. Ogden Days. The video just gives you idea of their sound. I need to have Ryan help put on one of his that has the whole song. Stay tuned. :D