Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Memory

Last Saturday, Ryan called and told us that they were buying a new bed. They have been using Alisha’s old bed and decided to buy a new one since they were on sale. They needed our help and the use of the truck. The last little while, we have been working outside and around the house, so the truck was loaded with trash to go to the dump (go figure). We hurried and went to the dump, washed the truck, and then headed to Salt Lake City.

While at the store, Marc and I noticed a Lazy Boy Rocking chair that was on sale. We have been looking for one and so we knew it was too good to pass up. When we left, we not only had the new bed, but also a huge box with the chair in it.

After helping Ryan and Yuni (get their new bed in their apartment and the old one out and in the back of our truck), Alisha had talked to me earlier saying that she wanted her old bed to use in a guest room that they are finishing in their basement. The weather had been stormy and so we needed to get it into a protected environment, so... the solution to the question concerning what to do with the bed was to take it to Alisha's. I called, but they weren't home from running errands, so we decided to go to the cemetery (first) since it was Memorial Day weekend.

Just so you know (those that read this, but do not know me), I am short. It is hard for me to get in and out of our truck. When we went to the cemetery, we had to park across the street. This is where my mom and dad are buried. It is built on a hill and so it has some steep parts. Without thinking…I opened the truck door and proceeded to get out…not realizing that we were not close to the curb and there was a sharp incline. I basically “fell” out of the truck. I let out a yelp and Marc ran around the truck to help me. My pride was damaged as I looked around and saw a man at one of the graves. I worried that he saw me. Luckily I didn’t break anything and with Marc’s help…we walked over to my mom and dad’s grave. As we were leaving…I started to laugh, because I noticed the bed and chair in the back of our truck. Now how many times have you gone to take flowers to a gravesite and had a truck (with a bed in the back) growling through the cemetery? This was truly a first for us. I laughed! Marc's grandparents are buried in another area, so not only did we go to one, but two cemeteries. It just seemed so funny and helped with my body that was now feeling pain.

We delivered the bed to Alisha’s house and enjoyed a short visit with them. They have a fun, play area out back and Jarem wanted to show it to us. It is a sweet swing/slide set (see picture below) with a rope/rock climbing area and a tire swing. To top it off, they have sand underneath where Lexi really enjoyed herself. I was amazed watching Jarem. Last year he could hardly climb the ladder to get to the slide and this year…he’s all over the place. It was also fun to see Grandpa go down the slide with Jarem on his lap.

After leaving, we both decided we were really thirsty. Marc stopped at a near-by convenience store and they had 64 ounce drinks for only 99 cents. What a deal! We bought one for each of us and an extra one for Andrea (who was home). Marc handed two of them to me and kept one on the seat next to him. They were big and awkward. He asked me why I wasn’t drinking mine. I shifted the drinks to try and get a straw into one when... the cup flipped over and dumped all over me. I was sopping wet and had ice cubes stuck to my clothes. At this point I thought I would burst into tears until Marc said…”Well…you won’t be hot on the ride home.” That made me laugh. In fact, we both laughed all the way home. That was our Memorial Memory and one I will never forget!

Moral of the story....don't go through cemeteries with your truck loaded with furniture and never buy a 64 ounce drink when you have no place to put it... unless you need a cold bath and a good laugh!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Empty House

This was where I grew up in South Ogden. My Dad built the back part of the house first and then (with the help of my older brother) added the front part before I was born. It was a small, 3 bedroom house with only 1 bathroom. My dad and mom lived there most of their married life. After my mom passed away, my dad moved to an Assisted Living Home. He never wanted us to sell the house while he was alive. He always thought he would return to live there some day (which never happened). The memories in that house are too many to mention. It was filled with lots of music, singing, laughing, the smell of fresh bread baking, being squished as the family grew bigger and most of all....Love! It taught me that it doesn't matter what type of a house you have as long as it is filled with people you care about. That love is what changes a house into a home. Now the house is empty. The roof is caving in and the foundation has huge cracks. It's a miracle that there has never been a fire because the wiring is old and out-dated. It will have to be torn down and until that happens, the rodents have adopted it as a local motel. It makes me sad, but without my mom and dad there... it is just a house. A house full of wonderful memories. A home that I will never forget.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I've really gotten into putting pictures on my blog, but today I felt like I should share some thoughts. Annie is gone on tour this week. The house is quiet. She's always gone during the day because she works, but she's home every evening. Last night I missed her. It made me think at how fast life goes. It won't be long till Annie moves out whether it be with her friends or if some lucky man comes along. Either way...Marc and I will be alone. This is a scary time for me. I love noise. I like the TV on when I'm alone because it feels like somebody else is here and makes time go quickly.

Different Chapters in our lives can seem hard and over-whelming when we know they are fast approaching. Sometimes we feel alone and it seems like it will be the hardest stage yet. I've had those feelings every time one of my children has moved out. At first it seems so strange and they are obviously missed and then other things fill in and life gets really busy again. With both Alisha and Ryan, I have found happiness in seeing them with their own families. Seeing what they are doing and watching the challenges as well as the triumphant times.

Yesterday Ryan dropped by to share a new song that he made up on the guitar. As I listened to his wonderful voice full of expression and love...I thought...this is what makes this stage in my life so worthwhile. Just the fact that I can listen, counsel, encourage, and just "be there" for my family makes me happy.

Life has slowed down. I don't walk the fast pace that I use to. My body doesn't feel the same. Health issues are more real. If I fall.... it hurts me more than one day and yet, I can take time to enjoy the little things. I can enjoy my family. I can do things that I never had time for. Even with all the adversities, Life is good.

They say when one door closes another one opens and hopefully that will bring on new and exciting changes. Those of us that are beginning to open new doors...just know...that you are not alone. Life does go on. It may change a little, but you can always find a bright spot in any situation. Sometimes you just have to dig a little farther.