Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Letter 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

Dec. 2008

For our Christmas Letter this year, we decided to give you 10 reasons why we think you should have a Merry Christmas.

1. Because it finally snowed (in Utah…for those out of state).

2. Because Ryan and Yunuen are in Mexico, visiting family, where it is 60+ degrees and not snowing. (long sigh of envy)

3. Because Marc, who had emergency surgery on a kidney stone last Summer, is finally out of pain.

4. Because I have gone a whole year without a perm and now have a new hairstyle. (that’s a miracle)

5. Because Andrea moved into an apartment last Summer with two of her good friends (for the first time) and loves it.

6. Because Alisha survived a year of different surgeries while keeping up with the demands of little Alexa, and Jarem. Jason was a BIG help.

7. Because Gas prices went down (don’t know how long that will last).

8. Because we have the cutest grandkids ever! Jarem is 4 years old and Alexa will be 2 in April.

9. Because you deserve a Merry Christmas.

10. Because it’s that time of year when we should think of the true meaning of Christmas and how blessed we really are.

Happy Holidays!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

16 Things of Interest

Andrea tagged me on facebook to write 16 things of interest about myself. I decided to post it for those that like to read my blogs. Here goes:

1. I'm afraid of the dark. It seems like I always have things happen when it's dark outside. One of my earliest memories was a friend (of my moms) dressed up like Satan one Halloween (I was very young) She came to our house and when my mom answered the door...she stabbed her with a plastic pitch fork. Of course it was just an act, but it scared me. I have many other stories that I will have to share another time.

2. I love sewing. I took a class, when I was 11 years old, at the Bernina Sewing Store and have never stopped. The biggest challenge was probably Alisha's wedding dress (along with my own).

3. I love Craft Stores. They have to be my favorite place to shop. I can spend hours looking for new ideas to make. I esp. love to buy scrapbook materials.

4. My treat (and splurge) is a Diet Coke with the melt in your mouth, crushed ice. My favorite places to get one is Ben's Burger Bar and Sonic. I think I've mentioned this one in a previous tag.

5. I use to be afraid of dogs when I was young. Once, I was sewing Barbie clothes with my friend when her brother let his new puppy dog outside. I was afraid of it and jumped up. The puppy came towards me (of course) and I fell into the scissors that I dropped. I think I still have a scar on my hip from that.

6. I also had acid thrown on me. In High School we would have a water fight the last day of school. My Senior Year when I was leaving...a boy came up...threw water on me and said, "gotcha." I thought he was a nerd and just walked off feeling a bit annoyed. While waiting for my mom...I skin feels like it is burning. By the time she got there...I was in so much pain that she took me straight to the doctor. Third degree burns on my hip (again my hip...Hmmm...).

7. The only soap opera that I like to watch is "General Hospital." I don't get to see it every day, but I like to eat my lunch while watching.

8. I was athletic when I was younger. I loved to play softball, basketball, volleyball (wasn't very good) and I think I would have played soccer if it had been advailable. I also liked Tether Ball and Croquet.

9. I love to play games. That is probably my favorite thing to do on Facebook besides talking to family and friends. I also love "game night" with the family. We've shared some good times. Oh...and I don't care about winning. I just like to have fun and laugh.

10. I was Chava in my High School's musical..."Fiddler on The Roof." It was an awesome experience (so was Santa's Workshop). After the production, I received a scholarship from Weber State College in Drama.

11. I met my husband at an Institute Dance. No kidding! I was actually leaning against the wall when he came up and asked me to dance. Never believed that guys would ask wall flowers to dance.

12. I use to be shy. Most people that know me...don't believe me when I say that I was shy. I think being in plays helped me to get out of my shyness. I gained more confidence in myself and I can pretty much talk to anybody now (except for people that give one word answers).

13. I had a December wedding and yet my colors were blue and lavendar. My reception was really pretty with Christmas trees (white) with blue lights and purple bows. The day we were was like a spring day. Very warm and beautiful. The Temples were not opened during the Christmas Holidays except for one day. When we arrived (at the Ogden Temple)...we found out that we were the first to call (#1) with 50 weddings scheduled for that day. I thought that was pretty awesome!

14. I love kids! Children are so accepting and loving. The Bishop of our ward recently called me to work in the Primary. One of the things he said is that every week I have kids come up to me to talk. I hadn't realized that until then. It seems like kids (strangers) even come up to me at stores to say Hi!

15. This is going on with the Kid's theme. I was asked once to go into a class at our elementary school and see if I could get any of them to leave with me. They had been talking about strangers and how to say no and run away. I decided to accept the challenge to help the teacher out. I walked in and asked where the teacher was? They said she would be back in a minute. I preceeded to convince all but one to leave with me...promising that they could see my baby that was in my car (she was actually in a stroller with the teacher). It wasn't hard at all and when the kids started following me down the hall...the teacher appeared and asked where they were going. They told her and then she said..."Isn't this a stranger?" "What have we been talking about this past month." They all looked sheepish. She then told them that she asked me to come in, talk to them, and see how many I could convince to leave. She was pretty upset that it was 29 kids out of 30. She told them I was a good lady. The funny part is that for months (after that) every time one of them saw me...they would say...there's that evil lady.

16. I was in a car accident when I was 19 years old. I hit a parked car on a very frosty morning. I broke some teeth (some have since yellowed) and had stitches in my lip. I was going to an early morning Institute Show for the Spring Show.

Thanks Annie for the opportunity to write interesting facts about myself that some may or may not know about me. I tag anyone that would like to do this. It's was fun and sorry it took so long for me to do it.