Thursday, February 28, 2008


I am short. I have been that way all my life. My parents were average in height. My sister is about 5'6". My brothers (I have two of them) are over 6 feet tall. I am the shortest of my family. My oldest brother called me "the runt" which is fitting because I am the youngest...and.shortest.

In the dictionary it say:

1. having little length; not long.
2. having little height; not tall: a short man.
3. extending or reaching only a little way: a short path.
4. brief in duration; not extensive in time: a short wait.
5. brief or concise, as writing.
6. rudely brief; abrupt; hurting: short behavior.
7. low in amount; scanty: short rations.
8. not reaching a point, mark, target, or the like; not long enough or far enough.
9. below the standard in extent, quantity, duration, etc.: short measure.
10. having a scanty or insufficient amount of (often fol. by in or on): He was short in experience.
11. being below a necessary or desired level; lacking: The office is short due to winter colds and flu.

That's 11 out of a total of 52 definitions. There's everything from cooking (such as short cake) to an electronic term called "bit". There are “short stops” in Baseball and shorts that you wear. My favorite is "short and sweet", esp. when it comes to church talks or long meetings. There's only so much that the attention span can handle.

Being short can be an advantage in some ways. I could wear any size heals on my shoes and NOT be taller than the guy I dated. When I was younger, I could fit in tight places for hide and seek (once I hid in our dryer). It was also easy to crawl around and find things that had been dropped on the floor or rolled under the bed. Short people can usually run fast and quick and I found that to be true in my case. In 6th grade I won an award for being the fastest. I will be honest. I am glad that if the “short genes” had to be in my family…that my girls have them and not my son. I’m glad that he's tall.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I loved your "short" blog!! I too am short. I have been called everything from "shorty" to "small fry" (from when I worked at McDonalds) to "shrimp". My favorite, given to me by Bro. Simon, however, is "Big Red", the exact opposite of short!! I do enjoy being short, however. I have a great excuse for many things!! One thing I really don't enjoy, however, is having to look up everyone's nose.